Research themes

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The CERAP is a research centre dedicated to the study of Perceptual Psychoeducation - an original and innovative approach at the crossroad between human sciences and education sciences - which aims to contribute to the expansion of human perceptual potentialities.  Its collective research object centres on the notion of bodily experiencing as the locus for personal growth and development, and for learning new ways of relating to self, others, the world and knowing.  This general project is deliberately rooted in a multi-disciplinary theoretical field (sociology, psychology, psychosociology, psychoeducation, anthropology, philosophy and neurosciences) and contributes to promoting cross-disciplinary perspectives.




AXE A : Evaluation and validation of health and learning practices, through the study and analysis of their impact on the different sectors or aspects of existence of the individual

This theme concerns issues relating to the professional application of Perceptual Psychoeducation and/or DBM Fasciatherapy practice. It highlights their impacts on the individual/learner/patient both in terms of physical or psychological symptoms and at a relational or existential level.