Fasciatherapy combined with pulsology touch induces changes in blood turbulence potentially beneficial for vascular endothelium

Echo Doppler artériel mesuré au pli inguinal
Auteur(s) :

Nadine Quéré - Kinésithérapeute, formée à la fasciathérapie

Evelyne Noël

Anne Lieutaud - Professeur auxilliaire invitée de l'UFP, Docteure en sciences sociales

PhD Sciences sociales option psychopédagogie, chercheure et consultante indépendante

Patricia d'Alessio

Article published in 2009 in Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapy


Stress, whether physical or emotional, is known to challenge the hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal axis and to induce important changes in the biochemical parameters of organ functions. The fascia is an elastic tissue that envelops the organs and reacts to stress by tightening, thus contributing to the dysfunction of the body. One of the unmistakable aspects of stress is that it induces vasomotor reactions. Both tightening of the fascia and vascular modifications are reversible, but sometimes tensions become embedded in the fascia and gradually begin to hinder specific functions of the body. Here we present the results of a study investigating the effects of a manual therapy (Fasciatherapy Méthode Danis Bois® combined with Pulsology Touch) applied to the artery. We have measured the modifications of important parameters contributing to vascular function. Our study shows that this manual approach is able to affect blood shear rate and blood flow turbulence in particular.

Nadine Quéré
Evelyne Noël
Anne Lieutaud
Patricia d'Alessio

Informations de publication: 
J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2009 Jul;13(3):239-45


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