Impacts of transformations in the relationship with the body in the personal and professional sphere of physicians

Wheel for Growing in Conscious Awareness (c) Josée Lachance
Auteur(s) :

Josée Lachance - Praticienne et formatrice en Somato-psychopédagogie, Docteure en sciences de l'éducation de l'Université de Sherbrooke

Pierre Paillé - Professeur à l'Université de Sherbrooke (Québec), Spécialiste des méthodes qualitatives

Professeur associé à l'Université Fernando Pessoa de Porto (Portugal) et à l’Université Catholique de l’Ouest à Angers (France).

We are presenting below two documents related to doctoral research done by Joséee Lachance : an article published in 2016 in the journal " Cercle interdisciplinaire de recherches phénoménologiques" and the thesis manuscript through a short abstract called "transatlantic summary". The research was conducted at the university of sherbrooke, under Pierre Paillé, a member of our research team. The research analyzes the effects of Awakening the Sensible Beingin the relationship with the body in physicians trained in those practices : Manual therapy (DBM Fasciatherapy) Sensory Gymnastic, Sensorial Introspection and verbal dialogue.


Awakening the Sensible Being (ASB) represents an experiential body-centered approach aiming to enrich the attention and perception quality of the body experience and its internal movement. Those practices lead to the development of self-awareness and awareness of others; valuable qualities for healthcare professionals in the helping relationship sector. The research aims to examine if the PS training pursued by physicians has changed their relationship to their body.

This article outlines the transformations reported by the participants who experienced impacts in their personal and professional life. To our knowledge, no research exploring the impacts of a ASB training in physicians has been conducted. This study is based on semi-structured interviews for comprehensive and explanatory purposes. It involved six physicians who had completed 500 hours of PS training. The interviews’ content was analyzed based on a thematic approach and by conceptualizing categories. Following the training, five participants reported a greater proximity to and self-awareness of their body and an improved ability to listen to their body. This anchoring of self-awareness through the body informs them on their lifestyle and their existence. The training has been the foundation of the transformations that occurred in the participants’ relationship with themselves, thereby affecting the intra-personal aspect. Therefore, they find themselves in a more active and livelier intra-personal dynamic. It seems that a better management of this dynamic has changed the ability of establishing interpersonal relationships on other bases.

Outline of the paper

Issue and interpretative referents
1.    History of Awakening the Sensible Being
2.    Tools for Awakening the Sensible Being: manual approach, Sensory gymnastic, Sensorial Introspection, verbal dialogue relative to the bodily experience
3.    Wheel for Growing in conscious awareness: the relationship with the body, teachable perceptual abilities (sense of movement, proprioception, sense of the Sensible), attention, which is necessary for perception, a process toward a greater presence to self

Research objective


1.    Presentation of the participants
2.    Presentation of the results—transformation of the relationship with the body: convergences in terms of transformation of the relationship with the body, singularities or similarities, divergent lived experiences
3.    Interpretation of the results: the presence in the body; an opportunity to become aware, the body; foundation of the intra-personal and interpersonal transformations, of the personal sphere to the professional sphere, the relationship with the body is transformed, the body opens up to different roles
4.    Impacts in the medical community.

Picture translation :

1) Attention, which is necessary for perception, is stimulated through out-of-the-ordinary conditions

2) Teachable perceptual abilities open up to newness

3) New perceptions trigger a new relationship to the body

4) The new relationship to the body instills greater presence to the self

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Josée Lachance
Pierre Paillé

Informations de publication: 
Lachance J., Paillé P., Desbiens JF, Xhignesse M., (2016). Incidences des transformations du rapport au corps dans la sphère personnelle et professionnelle de médecin. Les Collectifs du Cirp, 2016. pp.164-199