This 'Danis Bois Method Fasciatherapy’ section brings together research on the mechanisms that underly the relational manual touch practised via the Sensible. It highlights the main features of DBM Fasciatherapy and emphasizes the role of the fascia in achieving body-mind balance. This research covers themes such as perceptual education, body awareness, phenomenological perception and embodied sense of self. A clear understanding and management of the psychotonus of the fascia is central to these approaches. It represents the tangible force principle involved in the natural process of body-mind regulation of the individual. Several studies are devoted to the exploration of its characteristics.


Goals Physical pain and emotional suffering are among the interrelated core symptoms of cumulative child maltreatment.
Paul Sercu
Linda De Lausnay

On fasciatherapy and professional identity

The study of the professional identity which is developed in this thesis addresses the themes of profession, professionalization and professional identity, which are all current issues in the present...
Christian Courraud

In Search Of Our Interior Architectures - FRC2015

As an academic sponsor of up coming Fascia Research Congress, Cerap promotes introduction conferences and workshops which can help understand the importance of the recent findings and discoveries on...
Christian Courraud

MyoPain 2017

Cerap supports and will attend